Thursday, December 10, 2020

12 Days Of Kiwi Christmas!

 We were learning how make our own version to the song the 12 days of Christmas. Instead of using my true love gave to me we used best mate gave to me and also we had to make our slide about kiwi/Nz Christmas. So we had to go in a group my group had five people including myself the people is my group was myself, Leilah, Hazel, Maddy and Naiya. 

I found it easy to write the words but at the same times we had to go from slide to slide to see what's next! So the writing was easy but sometimes instead of going from slide to slide we just memorized it. 

I found it hard to find the right background cause it had to be like new zealander pictures but I don't think all are new zealander because its hard to tell the difference. 

Next time we will try and make more descriptive words.